Mission Statement
We exist to engage with providers of healthcare to improve the health of the people and families they serve.
A leading healthcare firm that is trusted for its exceptional experience, outcomes, and value.
Values – RICE
Respect Integrity Compassion Excellence
Consumer Promise
You will know what to expect – no surprises
You will receive an excellent experience that is appropriate to the situation and aligns with the mission, vision and values of our customers.
You will understand and feel comfortable with the service and value they receive.
You will be delighted by the engagement and responsiveness of DewingIT that you become vocal advocates of our firm.
You will be confident in DewingIT’s performance, expertise and services across all engagements
What’s in the name?
The DewingIT name is very close to home for Founder, Jason Ewing. “Dewing” comes from Ewing’s son’s first name Dahlin and their family name, Ewing. The “IT” is for Information Technology, which Ewing and his partners have been doing in healthcare for their entire careers. Put together, DewingIT is pronounced (doing it) is exactly what Ewing envisioned in a company. Not sitting around waiting, but making it happen.
Why start DewingIt?
Jason Ewing, founder of DewingIT, has spent approximately 25 years of his career involved with small to very large healthcare systems in various leadership and executive roles. In addition, he’s very familiar with being on the patient side of the fence.
Ewing’s wife and two sons have been fighting an undiagnosed condition for more than 2 decades. In his effort to make them better, he took them all over the country to some of the most prestigious healthcare institutions, to come up empty handed. He spent so much money on healthcare – not including how much insurance companies have spent – trying to help his family find answers and live some type of normal life.
The drive to improve his family’s quality of life and his experience in the industry are the reasons behind the start of DewingIT.
Our Purpose
DewingIT exists to help healthcare organizations make the right kind of changes that bring value and deliver outcomes that exceed the patient’s expectations. The team of partners has experience in key areas healthcare so that together with your team, we achieve it together. We do the hard work and sacrifices that are necessary and hope you can see this passion and “why” in our mission, vision, values and consumer promise.