Monthly Archives - January 2019

Take-A-Minute: 2 simple words that will yield amazing results…

Follow-Up, That’s it… It’s not rocket science, it’s that simple. Yet it only seems to only occur when in sales and looking for a job. Follow-up does so much more. When you make a commitment to do something, surprise that person and follow-up on your progress without being reminded, you will be amazed at what happen after a few times. Follow-Up tells people… You care. They are important to you. Something matters to you. That progress is valued. You can be counted on. You are building trust [...]


“We are Hoarders of Technology”

We’ve become Hoarders of Technology Healthcare systems have done a great job building their network and creating integrated delivery systems. This hasn’t come without its challenges, we have seen over the past 8-10 years a major shift in healthcare towards seamless technology platforms. Giving up the best of breed system, complex interfacing and functionality, to enable a comprehensive single system. These systems can bring not only integration within their organization, but across their communities of providers creating a hybrid of [...]


Digital Health: Avoid the Failures

It’s not about the technology Digital Health is a new buzz word that really means the convergence of people, processes, technology, and data (PPTD) to improve how patient care is delivered and received, and refinements in operations. It is nothing new, in fact, it has been going on for some time, it has just become more prevalent with care providers as the technology and integration brings out new ways of doing things. Over the past 10 years, there has been a [...]


How much will my care cost? It depends…

How much will my care cost? It depends… If you are reading this you might be feeling the same way I do. Recently, my son broke both his ankles going off a motorcycle jump. While registering him to be seen by my local urgent-care, the registrar asked me to pay my copay. I was happy to do so. I asked him “How much?” he responded, “Your insurance copay is based on a percentage of the total visit.” (Now this wasn’t the [...]


What is Healthcare Governance?

Governance Landscape Health Care organizations are making progress on delivering improved transparent care, costs, and outcomes. Most integrated delivery systems have created tight partnerships and innovative efforts, however the progress is slow. Many are working within a new single integrated medical record and billing system. The integrated technology is forcing operation departments to work in a standard and integrated fashion across all points in the integrated delivery system like never before.  Forging new relationships and new ways of making decision [...]