Tag - Follow-Up

Take-A-Minute: Make It Tangible

Make it tangible for me If I was to hold an apple in my left hand and ask you to close your eyes and describe it, you might say it’s red, has a stem, size of a baseball etc. If I were to hold in my right hand a megabyte and ask you to describe it, it might be very difficult. This is very similar to the ideas and concepts we have in our minds, but we fail to describe [...]


Take-A-Minute: 2 simple words that will yield amazing results…

Follow-Up, That’s it… It’s not rocket science, it’s that simple. Yet it only seems to only occur when in sales and looking for a job. Follow-up does so much more. When you make a commitment to do something, surprise that person and follow-up on your progress without being reminded, you will be amazed at what happen after a few times. Follow-Up tells people… You care. They are important to you. Something matters to you. That progress is valued. You can be counted on. You are building trust [...]